Jennifer Grayson

A CALL TO FARMS is a transformative act of journalism. Who writes an eloquent page-turner about farms? Jennifer Grayson does. A CALL TO FARMS erases shopworn stereotypes of farms and farmers, gracefully leading the reader into a boots-on, magical culture crucial to the well-being of society, the land, and our future.”

Paul Hawken, New York Times–bestselling author of Regeneration and Drawdown

In my nearly two decades as an independent content editor, copy editor, and proofreader, my work has run the gamut—from tech magazines, nonprofits, and a global education publisher, to film and TV scripts, a travel guide to Los Angeles, and a post-apocalyptic novel. (There also was a pre-journalism stint revising marketing materials for a behemoth home builder/lender that shall remain nameless, in the years prior to the 2008 financial collapse. Even we peons on the proofing desk knew that endless development powered by zero-down mortgages would not be sustainable.)

I also consult as an empathetic coach for non-fiction authors navigating the book proposal process (and later, the op-ed and article pitching process), first-time novelists through the marathon of getting out a first draft and honing subsequent revisions before submitting to agents, and beginning podcasters.

I have an especially keen eye and interest for projects in the realm of nature and the environment, science and anthropology, food and farming, integrative medicine, urban sustainability, and homesteading and self-reliance.

I’m equally adept at AP and Chicago style, but you may have noticed I’m partial to the serial comma. I’m also aware that this section of my website magically morphed into first person.

info [at] jennifergrayson [dot] com